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Our goal is to deliver employees at the customer's request at the right time and with the

Varmt arbeid

Life-Saving rule energy isolation

Varmt arbeid med sveise-, skjære-, slag-, lodde- og slipeutstyr, taktekking med åpen flamme eller varmluftverktøy og annen bruk av ild. 

Ved varmt arbeid må du:

  • Ta to minutter  - tenk gjennom arbeidsprosessen

  • Kontrollere at det ikke finnes brennbart materiale over, under eller ved siden av

  • Vurdere om varmt arbeid medfører avgasser fra maling, rørsystemer, screed eller overflatebehandlede områder

  • Sørge for tilstrekkelig ventilasjon

  • Bruke brannvakt når dette er nødvendig for å holde kontroll med operasjonen

  • Rydde etter endt arbeid og sjekke utstyret

  • Tenke fjerning / rengjøring av verneutstyr ved stopp i arbeidet

Ved utmattelse:

Arbeid i varme, spesielt i ekstremt varme omgivelser, kan føre til heteslag eller solstikk.

Ved synsforstyrrelser, kvalme, svimmelhet eller hodepine:

  • Hjelp personen til et kjøligere miljø og gi rikelig med drikke (vann, saft el.lign.).

  • Eventuelt avkjøl personen ved å plassere hender, underarmer og føtter i kjølig vann (15-20°C).

Ved besvimelse:

  • Ring ambulanse.

Husk, sikkerhet kommer alltid først!

isse retningslinjene utgjør grunnlaget for helse, miljø, sikkerhet og kvalitet hos FH Contractors. Ved å følge dem bidrar du til vårt felles mål om å opprettholde et høyt sikkerhetsnivå på arbeidsplassen, noe som beskytter både mennesker, miljø og materiell.

9 Life Saving Rules

Life-Saving Rules FH Saftey Control

Bypassing Safety Controls

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety-controls:

  •  I understand and use safety-critical equipment and procedures which apply to my task

  • I obtain authorisation before:

    • disabling or overriding safety equipment

    • deviating from procedures

    • crossing a barrier

Life-Saving Rulle  Confined Space

Confined Space

Obtain authorisation before entering a confirned space:

  •  I confirm energy sources are isolated

  • I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored

  • I check and use my breathing apparatus when required

  • I confirm there is an attendant standing by

  • I confirm a rescue plan is in place

  • I obtain authorisation to enter.

Life-Saving rule Safe mechanical lifting

Safe Mechanical Lifting

Plan lifting operations and control the area:

  •  I confirm that the equipment and load have been inspected and are fit for purpose

  • I only operate equipment that I am qualified to use

  • I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones

  • I never walk under a suspended load.

Life-Saving rule work authorisation

Work Authorization

Work with a valid permit when required:

  •  I have confirmed if a permit is required

  • I am authorised to perform the work

  • I understand the permit

  • I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start

  • I stop and reassess if conditions change.

Life-Saving rule  drive safe


Follow safe driving rules:

  •  I always wear a seatbelt

  • I do not exceed the speed limit, and reduce my speed for road conditions

  • I do not use phones or operate devices while driving

  • I am fit, rested and fully alert while driving

  • I follow journey management requirements.

Life-saving rule hot work

Hot Work

Control flammables and ignition sources:

  •  I identify and control ignition sources

  • Before starting any hot work:

    • I confirm flammable material has been removed or isolated

    • I obtain authorisation

  • Before starting hot work in a hazardous area I confirm:

    • a gas test has been completed

    • gas will be monitored continually.

Life-Saving rules working at height

Working at Height

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height:

  • I inspect my fall protection equipment before use

  • I secure tools and work materials to prevent dropped objects

  • I tie off 100% to approved anchor points while outside a protected area.

Life-Saving rule energy isolation

Energy isolation

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins:

  •  I have identified all energy sources

  • I confirm that hazardous energy sources have been isolated, locked, and tagged

  • I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual or stored energy.

Safety icon FH Conreactors

Line of fire

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins:

  • I position myself to avoid:

    • moving objects

    • vehicles

    • pressure releases

    • dropped objects

  • I establish and obey barriers and exclusion zones

  • I take action to secure loose objects and report potential dropped objects

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