Risk assessment
Risk assessment of own work
Risk assessment is a tool for reducing risk. This is done by assessing the probability of something happening and the consequence of the event.

How to do a risk assessment
For effective risk assessment, it's crucial to pause and carefully consider the potential hazards before starting your sewing project. By fully understanding the risks involved, you can take proactive steps to prevent accidents.
To identify what can go wrong, you must first have a clear understanding of:
What to do?
Which requirements (laws, regulations, procedures) and expectations regulate the work you are to carry out?
Desired outcome?
Before starting your work:
- Should you carry out a risk assessment yourself of the work you will be doing. Ask yourself:
What could go wrong?
What could the consequences be?
What can I do to prevent this?
Once the dangers have been identified, you must take the necessary measures.
During the work:
It is important to stop and look around, to ensure that the risk picture has not changed. If it has changed, you must do a new risk assessment. This is called ongoing risk assessment.